Monday, June 3, 2013

China newspaper's "Dishonest Americans" series spurs backlash

To the people of China, Thank you for sticking up for America. From what I watched of the complaints I'm sure that you to have corrupt business owners out there.

You are right to ask for reporting on your own Government. American Agenda is fed of with our Government also. We are tired of being run buy Corporations. The corruption runs deep here.

Make no mistake,  most Americans are just like you.  Honest, and proud of our heritage, of our land, and what we should be standing for, but have lost our way with corrupt leaders.  

I wish there was a way the world could band together and stop this.  We all know we can not rid crime.  There will always be evil.  But the good out number the bad.  If we could all join together and show our outrage at our Government, Wars, Poverty, instead of letting Idiots do it for us, we may just solve something.

Our Government is now trying to sensor us, feed us misinformation.  It is blogs like this and so many brave whistleblowers out there that leak information to help America.  

People of China, thank you for realizing that we are not bad, but the same.  You get your government right, and we will try like hell to do the same here.  

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