Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Cheerios Commercial Causes Racial Stir.

I have got to be honest. If I saw this commercial without knowing that racial comments were made, my first thought would have been, what a cute commercial.

I will say being born in the 60's, I can remember when it would have stirred up some controversy. I remember as a child hearing comments when I saw an inter-racial couple. I remember staring because I grew up in a white neighborhood and as a kid never saw couples mingle. I don't remember having a negative thought just curious as a child.

Now however, to go to a mall and to go to the store Bi-racial couples are there everyday. This is not and should not even be a thought in anyone's head anymore.

I can't even understand why anyone would even have a problem with this. We are talking about a family here. Not black not white but a family, with a child, and a very cute child that loves her daddy.

I had to write this because I can't wrap my head around this when it is there everyday. I don't care where you live in America don't tell me you don't see it everywhere you go.

Stop Hating a well rounded family is the best thing going, keep that in mind.

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