Thursday, June 13, 2013

Psychologically Destroying America: A Ponerogenic feedback loop between the NWO, and We The People.

Hello, Anthony Tolda here.
   I'm a two time candidate for U.S. Congress, financial consultant, and expert Ponerologist. 
This article is being written as a hypothesis of the ponerogenic feedback loop that has Adam Kokesh and his followers on one end, and the N.W.O. at the other.  
This all started with the proposed armed march on D.C. this Independence Day, 
and has been growing as a mass mental illness of many splinter groups and individuals.  
  The definition of Ponerology is "a branch of theology dealing with the doctrine of evil".
I find the use of the word theology to be a stretch, however the concept of a moral compass in regards to what the majority of us understand about our individual concepts of feelings of empathy, having a conscience, being capable of remorse and guilt, in an abstract way that can easily be understood seems to encourage the label "theology" in a dictionary definition.
This in itself seems to be a small example of the problems in dealing with a pathocracy more commonly known as the N.W.O.  
Definition: pathocracy (n). A system of government created by a small pathological minority that takes control over a society of normal people.
  Anti Social Personality Disorder(ASPD) as a biological disorder is commonly referred to as Psychopathy, ASPD as a learned behavior is commonly known as Sociopathy.  Aprox. one in ten males are born biologically with ASPD, and aprox. one percent of all women, most countries have a population of aprox. 6% born with ASPD.
Their levels of ambition, success potential, and mental capabilities are greatly varied.  
But the alphas of higher intelligence that are either born like this, or learn this behavior have an uncanny ability to sense each other and work together for their common evil, as opposed to We The People coming together for the common good of defending our Republic, and our original Constitution.
  Statistically speaking then, if the reader is to accept these verifiable statistics it's easy to come to the conclusion that just by random chance about 10% of our government though being born with the condition, and/or learned ASPD behavior does not have our best interests at heart, because they are the psychologically heartless.
Now add money into the mix, we know it takes money to run for office.  So if even 10% of large corporations were run by people engaging in ASPD behavior donated to the 10% in our government, or chosen by that 10% in our government to become elected, then you over time would naturally see the percentage in our government engaging in the ASPD behavior go up especially if the same funding sources advertised/owned the main stream media outlets.
  Over time the whole system becomes ponerized, and the percentage of people engaging in ASPD behavior calling the shots goes a lot higher than a statistically random 10% of our government.  The feedback loop comes from the reaction of our people, and some of those seeking to lead our people with answers to dismantle this macrosocial pathological phenomenon that has infected almost every aspect of our lives from national security, food supply, economy, military, healthcare, Natural Rights, civil liberties, and the very thoughts of people, many of whom know there is something wrong and could swear they are not being controlled and yet they are!
  He who angers you controls you.  The NWO angers all of those not on the payroll that either seek to participate or support ideologically an armed march/protest on D.C. or anywhere for that matter, regardless of if it would be led by Adam Kokesh, or a splinter separate premise, or a copycat(s).  I have documentation about plans to deal with civil unrest, this is planned for, people are being encouraged to do this by people that are mentally ill pulling the strings.  The only thing going to protests armed will do is bring on the pain for people in whatever state a problem happens in likely via Martial Law, it just happened in Boston.  

  Maybe Boston was a test run for the next plan for Martial law on America soil?
Maybe all this stirring up of anger is controlling many good people buying into those born with ASPD or learned the behavior who claim to be on the side of We The People?  Many originally good and mentally stable people get sucked in by the N.W.O. just as many get sucked into showing up to or supporting ideologically the premise of an armed protest.
It's a psychological certainty statistically that good people get sucked into these marcrosocial pathological phenomena, and they then carry out the will of the pathocrats and their ASPD behavior driven goals which as an effect boosts the leaned behavior effect at least in regards to it's effects of carrying out the behaviors of ASPD however a conscience of sorts would likely be somewhat intact or dormant in many of these brainwashed individuals.
  The N.W.O. is a developed pathocracy that came to be via the ponerogenic process, they are highly likely from the standpoint of this Ponerology expert to generate a ponerogenesis in opposition to their pathocracy knowing the level of exposure their pathocracy has, the small battles We The People win all the time, our growing numbers, and although this is for the most part psychologically not diagnosed the people are aware and understandably furious!  This secondary ponerogenic process is created to act as an antagonistic ignition for the pathocracy to carry out the plans in the data that will be released soon.  Here's one nugget of wisdom for those seeking combat "The best made plans are of little value if the men carrying them out are not capable and well-trained."  That quote is straight from a Gov training manual.  This ruse is the way for the pathocracy to coerce compliance from otherwise "normal" or usually mentally healthy individuals comply with their vision of a tiny elite ruling over a slave class predicted by Aldous Huxley who used the term "scientific dictatorship", and similarly described by George Orwell.  This ASPD behavior is not only quite contagious via the use of neruo linguistic programming, but as a biological and also learned behavior is to a significant degree hereditary.
  We are all subject to the problem of dealing with a pathocracy built from generations of ASPD behavior that has an unrelenting goal of this tiny ruling elite, and We The People as a slave class regardless of individual belief that this is the case or individual action taken.  People on both the N.W.O. side and the We The People side need to start being made aware of the macrosocial pathological phenomemna they are feeding into and fast.
This ponerogenic feedback loop between the N.W.O. and the anger of We The People will not end well for We The People if things come to a head at an armed protest, should this force a larger scale conflict our people will be massively unorganized, not in solidarity, and we will have a poor percentage of overall survival.
If the people rabble rousing about conflict were thinking straight, they would be developing relationships and being a little more covert in their methods while also seeking a much larger percentage of solidarity, and warning others to stock up on supplies, while not allowing the timing to be so easily provoked prematurely.
  This is just one man's educated opinion based on knowledge of the ponerogenic process, take it for what it's worth.
I encourage people to do their own due diligence on those who seek to lead them and seriously assess the individual and the validity tactically and logistically of their proposals when it comes to these heated matters of tension dealing with this pathocracy we know as N.W.O. and the ponerogenic feedback loop that has the potential to destroy America if it is not dealt with via diagnosis, and exposure in a clinical context.  
  It is only when diagnosed, or at least in this case publicly spread as a respected hypothesis,
that many will begin to feel shock and disintegration at the realization of being an accomplice to a macrosocial pathological phenomena feedback loop, and contributing to the plot to end America.  
According to ponerological data collected once minds have time to process this information and the ego begins to regress as the conscience, and individual thought process once again takes control, many of them will no longer feed into this ponerogenic process feedback loop that will(if left unchecked/untreated) enable the full force of the pathocracy to be unleashed on a people who would by the large have no idea what's coming, 
and be ill equipped to deal with the situation.
Yours in Freedom,
                          Anthony Tolda
Founder: Sovereignty Party of America.
Co Founder: Shadow Militia of The Archangels.

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