Friday, May 31, 2013


Listen to this radio program. Its in our Blood, in our skin. They are mutating us. With Chemtrails. Caroline Carter speaks out about Morgellons Disease & and how to heal it HOST ROXY LOPEZ


Is this just an attempt by our Federal Government to send us all away to those Fema Camps they have waiting to fill. I mean they know very well that we as AMERICANS can not stand them taking over our ONCE Great Nation. Obama has killed it. We are letting him succeed. By trying to shut us up. FBI can't even speak the word MUSLIM, ISLAM. They are so afraid to speak. They know we are not afraid to speak. I say let the Militia begin! The have crossed the line. If I said Catholic priests are all pedophiles, or Jews are money grubbing. Why is that ignored. No AMERICAN AGENDA DOES NOT BELIEVE ALL PRIEST ARE PEDOPHILES OR JEWS ARE MONEY GRUBBING. This is an example. I am one of them, I won't say which. AMERICANS ARE FED UP. WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED.

Do Not Rely On MainStream Media Watch Find out How CNN Gets Paid by Terrorist Governments.

Kill shot? Man linked to Tsarnaev took FBI bullet to top of head (PHOTOS)

Ibragim Todashev, who was killed by the FBI during a questioning, was shot six times, once in the crown of his head, photos shown at a press conference in Moscow reveal. His father suspects it could have been a kill shot. “I can show you the photos taken after the killing of my son. I have 16 photographs. I just would like to say that looking at these photos is like being in a movie. I only saw things like that in movies: shooting a person, and then the kill shot. Six shots in the body, one of them in the head,” Abdulbaki Todashev said at the press conference at RIA Novosti news agency in the Russian capital. He explained that the photos were taken by friends of his son in the US, to whom the FBI handed the body. “I want justice and I want an investigation to be carried out, I want these people [the FBI agents] to be put on trial in accordance with US law. They are not FBI officers, they are bandits. I cannot call them otherwise, they must be put on trial,” he said. Ibragim had been questioned twice by the FBI in connection with the Boston bombings, but not about the murder in which he was allegedly suspected, his father said. The 2011 triple murder in Massachusetts, in which the Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was also implicated, was reportedly the subject of the third and final FBI interrogation of Ibragim Todashev. His friend Khusen Taramov told the father that Ibragim had refused to come in for questioning on May 22, and instead asked the FBI agents to come and question him at home. “Should something happen to me, call my parents,” Taramov quoted the last thing he heard from his friend. On the day of Ibragim’s death, Taramov was questioned by the FBI separately on the street, and was refused entry back into his friend’s house, Todashev’s father claimed. He was “sent off” to wait in a nearby cafĂ© on the grounds that Todashev was still being questioned and that “the interrogation would take a long time.” After some eight hours passed since the start of interrogation and his Todashev’s phone still was not answering, Taramov returned, only to find the street cordoned off with police cars and an ambulance. “They tortured a man for eight hours with no attorney, no witnesses, nobody. We can only guess what was going on there, until there is an official investigation,” Abdulbaki Todashev said. READ MORE:

Thursday, May 30, 2013

War Veteran Cory Thompson - Defends Home From Felon - Police Take AR-15 Away.

Cory Thompson on KDRV12 NEWS

MEDFORD, Ore. — A man uses his firearm to stop a wanted felon and he’s now facing criminal charges.
Medford police say the incident started around 11:30 p.m. on Sunday. They responded to an apartment complex on the 2000 block on Table Rock Road for a disturbance call. When officers were on scene, they heard a gunshot and a man running out toward the parking lot.

Police say 40 year-old Jonathon Kinsella, a wanted felon, was running. 36 year-old Corey Thompson told NewsWatch 12, he shot a warning shot at Kinsella because he was trying to break in through his back door.
“This is the end result. You break into someone’s house, there’s consequences,” explained Thompson.
Thompson says he grabbed his AR-15 assault rifle and told Kinsella to stop near his back door.

“When I’m dealt with a stressful situation, being a veteran from Iraq and the Afghanistan war, it’s natural. I just jump into combat mode. I told him I’m going to give you a warning shot,” said Thompson.
But police say that was not the right move.

“There was nothing that the suspect was doing that was aggressive enough to justify the shooting. In fact, the suspect was walking  away,” said Medford Police Lt. Mike Budreau.

Thompson was charged with Unlawful Use of a Weapon, Menacing and Reckless Endangering.
“I can see where they’re coming from, with those kinds of  ordinances and stuff. I understand yes, I did discharge my  weapon but I was careful not to fire it at any body’s residence. It  was at the ground specifically,” explained Thompson.

Unlike bullets from handguns, police say firing bullets from assault rifles can skip.
“They just don’t hit something and absorb. Especially if it’s something with that high velocity. It could skip off of objects and wind up going into a  house, through a wall, through a window,” said Lt. Budreau.
Police took Thompson’s assault rifle because they say it was used in the commission of a crime. If a judge finds Thompson not guilty, he will get his firearm back.

Orginal Report by:  
Published May 28, 2013 and

Published on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 by Common Dreams How the US Turned Three Pacifists into Violent Terrorists by Fran Quigley

 From left, Greg Boertje-Obed, Sister Megan Rice,
 and Michael Walli. (Photo: Saul Young/News Sentinel)

In just ten months, the United States managed to transform an 82 year-old Catholic nun and two pacifists from non-violent anti-nuclear peace protestors accused of misdemeanor trespassing into federal felons convicted of violent crimes of terrorism.  Now in jail awaiting sentencing for their acts at an Oak Ridge, TN nuclear weapons production facility, their story should chill every person concerned about dissent in the US. 
Here is how it happened.

In the early morning hours of Saturday, July 28, 2012, long-time peace activists Sr. Megan Rice, 82, Greg Boertje-Obed, 57, and Michael Walli, 63, cut through the chain link fence surrounding the Oak Ridge Y-12 nuclear weapons production facility and trespassed onto the property.  Y-12, called the Fort Knox of the nuclear weapons industry, stores hundreds of metric tons of highly enriched uranium and works on every single one of the thousands of nuclear weapons maintained by the U.S.
“The truth will heal us and heal our planet, heal our diseases, which result from the disharmony of our planet caused by the worst weapons in the history of mankind, which should not exist.  For this we give our lives — for the truth about the terrible existence of these weapons.”
- Sr. Megan Rice

Describing themselves as the Transform Now Plowshares, the three came as non-violent protestors to symbolically disarm the weapons. They carried bibles, written statements, peace banners, spray paint, flower, candles, small baby bottles of blood, bread, hammers with biblical verses on them and wire cutters. Their intent was to follow the words of Isaiah 2:4: “They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”
Sr. Megan Rice has been a Catholic sister of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus for over sixty years.  Greg Boertje-Obed, a married carpenter who has a college age daughter, is an Army veteran and lives at a Catholic Worker house in Duluth Minnesota.  Michael Walli, a two-term Vietnam veteran turned peacemaker, lives at the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker house in Washington DC.
In the dark, the three activists cut through a boundary fence which had signs stating “No Trespassing.”  The signs indicate that unauthorized entry, a misdemeanor, is punishable by up to 1 year in prison and a $100,000 fine.


Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies, and Murder

The biggest untold story of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election... Finally, the no-holds-barred, 100% true story of Barack Obama's use and sale of cocaine; his homosexual affairs and the December 23, 2007 murder of Barack Obama's former lover and choir director of Obama's Chicago church of 20 years, Donald Young, just days before the 2008 Iowa Caucus. This searing candid story begins with Barack Obama meeting Larry Sinclair in November, 1999, and subsequently procuring and selling cocaine, and then engaging in consensual, homosexual sex with Sinclair on November 6th and again on November 7, 1999. You'll read in riveting detail how Sinclair, in 2007, repeatedly contacted and requested that the Obama campaign simply come clean about their candidate's 1999 drug use and sales. You learn how the Obama campaign, David Axelrod and Barack Obama used Donald Young (the homosexual lover of Barack Obama) to contact and seek out information from Sinclair about who he had told of Obama's crimes and actions. You'll read how the Obama campaign used internet porn king Dan Parisi and Ph.D. fraud Edward I. Gelb to conduct a rigged polygraph exam in an attempt to make the Sinclair story go away. The Obama team and the controlled media - specifically MSNBC's Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, the New York Times, CNN, Politico's Ben Smith, The DailyKos, The Huffington Post and others - attacked the National Press Club for making its facilities available to Larry Sinclair for a news conference to present his evidence and allegations to the world media. You'll read how Vice President Joe Biden's son, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, issued an arrest warrant on completely false, fabricated charges to attempt to discredit Mr. Sinclair's National Press Club news conference. ORDER YOUR BOOK TODAY!

14 Year Old Holding a Puppie Body Slammed to The Ground By Police - In Miami-Dade FL.

How combative can a 14 year old boy be holding a puppy?

Watch Video Decide for Yourself.

25 Members of Seal Team Six is dead - You Know The Team That Killed Osama Bin Ladin DEAD!

Shouldn't we be asking?  Shouldn't we be standing up to help protect our Service Men that have gone to war for us, put their lives on the line for us. 

This is way beyond coincidence.  Seal Team Six is dropping like flies and not one Congressman, not one Senator, not one real News network will even investigate or ask why.

I have to tell you most people with half a brain is now questioning if Osama Bin Ladin was even killed or was dead years or months before their supposed capture of him.

I put to any remaining Seals Six Team, if any are left, to speak publicly now before you are the next victim of this. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Obama-funded al-Qaeda linked jihadists in Syria now

NATO allies and the Western media work hard to demonize the Syrian state and ignore barbaric crimes committed by Wahhabi Jihadists, airlifted from all over the world to Syria by NATO member states. Syria News On April 11, 2013, a Syrian Army helicopter transporting food supplies to villages and Army units was attacked and brought down by NATO’s best assets, the al-Qaeda Free Syrian Army terrorists, using the latest weapons provided by their sponsors. The terrorists rushed to the downed chopper, decapitated the pilots then put their severed heads on the barbecue grill (photo below). The grilled heads were then placed on metal sticks and paraded through the towns and villages under the control of NATO’s terrorists. Ironically, Syrian-based media have all been banned in Europe, USA, and Canada. Syrian state and private TV channels were all taken off the air in a decision from the EU & the Arab League in order to cover the news with their own anti-Assad bias. Meanwhile the USA and its allies are trying to segregate the worst of the savages from the regular savages in order to keep supporting the lesser savages. THIS WAS ORIGINALLY REPORTED BY BARE NAKED ISLAM

Allah Akbar ! CAN YOU SAY BOOM!

HomeGrown Terrorist - In Out Own Backyard.


This video will show you where they are.  I live 135 miles away from one.  Close enough for them to poison our drinking water.  Close enough to have a hidden missile to launch on a campus, or on top of my very house.  is this really what we allow in our Great Nation.  Because I have a problem with this, some may label me a racist.  I am far from it.  Gays go ahead get married, any religion, fine with me.  If your religious builds faith on things like Jihad, or bombing people, or teaching children to kill, then I am so a racist against you.  

These people befriend prisoners, rapists, murderers.  These people commit crime because they are lost.  They get found by these Muslims for a reason.  To be used.  I'm sick of all this political correctness for these people.  I refuse to shut up about them just because some may be peaceful.  Heck I heard some Muslims are disgusted with  what their own religion has turned into.  



Terror Cells On Film. Government Shrugs, Nothing We Can Do.

I am watching cops and DHS take away AMERICANS rights right in front of our eyes, but yet can do nothing about these Muslim Camps. HERE IS A LIST OF KNOWN CAMPS - Trout Creek Pass, Colorado (over 100 acres) - Red House Virginia (over 120 Acres) - Mecca Circle, Wayne County, GA - Islamber, NY (considered their headquarters) - Holy Islamville, SC (another huge compound and extremely active) - Baladullah, CA (Huge and also extremely active) - A new one PA (Wayne County) - Fairfax, VA - York, SC - Hancock, NY - Deposit, NY - Springfield, MA - Philadelphia, PA - Hyattsville, MD - Bethany, WV - Meherrin, VA - Dover, TN - Commerce, GA - Jessup, GA - Marion, AL - Talhina, OK - Houston, TX - Coldwater, MI - Buena Vista, CO - Oak Hill, CA - Onalska, WA - ETC ETC ETC



Boehner Speaker of the House on IRS scandal: 'Who's going to jail?'

That's right stand up. Say something. Points for Boehner!

Rand Paul Grills Hillary Clinton Over Benghazi Consulate Attacks - January 23, 2013

Watch Hillary, she is so smug.  This woman does not care one way or the other, she has not taken responsibility.

              WAKE UP AMERICA!

                                  Its time to stand up and stop these people!